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Sunday, February 14, 2010

the beach is calling...

i almost thought it wouldn't happen.

our schedules are crazy. LOCO. geoff travels a lot, my work project is not finished yet, we are out of town a lot of weekends...
but it is going to happen.

amigos, we are taking a "babymoon", as some might call it.

my husband and i are fleeing the country in search of some warm, sandy quietude and a respite from our crazy lives, hoping to find some time together. just the two of us. enjoying one another and sleeping in as much as possible. because after may 23, 2010, we won't sleep in again (or be alone) for the rest of our earthly lives.

how are we able to do this? you might ask.
wellll.... we are just really blessed, to be honest with you.
for christmas, geoff's aunt carladyne gave us a week of her timeshare for us to go on a vacation - so our hotel is totally covered. and i have mucho points on my business credit card that we were able to cash in to cover our flights - so transportation is totally covered. big costs here, amigos.
thus... on february 21st, we are getting on a plane that will take us to mazatlan, mexico.

we will sunbathe.
we will be lazy.
we will have dinner out on this patio in the evenings:
we will enjoy each other.
we will go to the spa and get massages.
we will walk hand in hand down the streets of old town. and we will enjoy the very best (and my favorite) thing about mexico: their margaritas!! VIVA MARGARITAS!

oops, wait.
well, no margaritas for me. i got a little carried away...
maybe next year, slugger.

i cannot tell you how excited we are. and i don't think it has even really hit me yet. i have been so busy with work (and my pregnant self, really) that i have barely begun to realize that we leave for LA PLAYA! EL MAR! in just ONE WEEK.

we will be staying at el cid marina beach, but all of the el cid resorts in mazatlan (i think there are 4 total) will be our playground during our stay.

so MUCHAS GRACIAS goes out to dear aunt carladyne and i guess my business credit card company for making this dream "babymoon" possible.

cheers to mexico! here we come...


Pat Chapman said...

not posting a comment, just registering a big smile....

jennaferwhite said...

oh Linds! This sounds HEAVENLY! Soak up EVERY moment! :) and come back TAN! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you guys! I hope you love your Babymoon...and you are right, sleep will be a luxury after the baby comes. So happy that you guys are going. Have a great time.
Bronwyn Rapp